Django Middleware - How Middleware Works

March 7, 2023, 12:04 p.m.

django python

In Django, middleware is a way to add extra functionality to the request/response processing pipeline. Middleware components are classes that define hooks that can be called at various points during the request/response processing cycle.

What is middlewares in Django

Middleware functions in Django can perform various tasks, such as modifying the request or response objects, logging requests, and handling exceptions. Middleware components can be used to add cross-cutting concerns to the application, such as authentication and caching.

Django comes with several middleware components that are included by default, such as the AuthenticationMiddleware, SessionMiddleware, and CsrfViewMiddleware. These components perform important tasks such as handling user authentication, managing sessions, and protecting against CSRF attacks.

When a request is made to a Django application, the request passes through each middleware component in turn, starting with the first middleware component defined in the MIDDLEWARE setting and ending with the view function that handles the request. Each middleware component can modify the request and/or response objects as needed before passing them on to the next middleware component.

How middlewares works in django

Here's a simplified example of how middleware works in Django:

  1. A request is made to a Django application.

  2. The request passes through the first middleware component defined in the MIDDLEWARE setting.

  3. The middleware component can modify the request object, such as adding headers or changing the request method.

  4. The middleware component passes the modified request object to the next middleware component.

  5. This process is repeated for each middleware component in the pipeline.

  6. Finally, the request is passed to the view function that handles the request.

  7. The view function returns a response, which is passed back through the middleware pipeline in reverse order.

  8. Each middleware component can modify the response object, such as adding headers or modifying the content.

  9. The response is sent back to the client.

Django Middlewares


By using middleware in Django, you can add functionality to your application that can be applied to all requests or responses, without having to modify each view function individually.

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