Event Listeners In Javascript

March 7, 2023, 1:16 p.m.

programming web development javascript

Event listeners in JavaScript are functions that are attached to an element or object and executed in response to a specific event, such as a user clicking a button, pressing a key, or scrolling a web page. Here's how to use event listeners in JavaScript:

Commonly used eventlisteners

Here are some of the most commonly used events in JavaScript:

  1. click: This event is triggered when a user clicks on an element, such as a button or link.

  2. submit: This event is triggered when a user submits a form, typically by clicking a submit button.

  3. keydown: This event is triggered when a user presses a key on the keyboard.

  4. load: This event is triggered when a web page or image finishes loading.

  5. unload: This event is triggered when a web page or image is about to be unloaded, such as when the user navigates away from the page.

  6. mouseenter/mouseleave: These events are triggered when the mouse enters or leaves an element, such as a button or link.

  7. scroll: This event is triggered when the user scrolls a web page or element.

  8. resize: This event is triggered when the size of the browser window or an element changes.

  9. focus/blur: These events are triggered when an element gains or loses focus, typically as the user tabs through a form.

There are many other events available in JavaScript, depending on the specific use case and the elements being used in your web application. Understanding how events work and how to use them effectively is an important part of building interactive and responsive web applications.


First, select the element or object to which you want to attach the event listener. You can use methods like getElementById(), querySelector(), or addEventListener() to do this. For example:

const button = document.getElementById('myButton');

Next, use the addEventListener() method to attach the event listener to the selected element or object. This method takes two arguments: the type of event to listen for (e.g., "click", "keydown", "scroll"), and the function to execute when the event occurs. For example:

button.addEventListener('click', handleClick);


In this example, we're attaching a click event listener to the button element, and telling it to execute the handleClick() function when the button is clicked.

Finally, define the function that will be executed when the event occurs. This function should take an event object as its argument, which contains information about the event that occurred. For example:

function handleClick(event) {
  console.log('Button clicked!');
  // additional code to handle the event


In this example, we're simply logging a message to the console when the button is clicked, but you can add any additional code you need to handle the event.

Event listeners are a powerful feature of JavaScript that allow you to create interactive and responsive web applications. By attaching event listeners to elements and objects in your application, you can execute code in response to user actions and other events.

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