What Is Sdlc And Why It Is Needed

March 7, 2023, 9:42 p.m.

programming software development

SDLC, or Software Development Life Cycle, is the process of creating software from conception to delivery. It is a systematic and structured approach that outlines the phases and activities involved in developing software. In this article, we will discuss the various phases of the SDLC process and their significance.


The planning phase is the initial stage of the SDLC process, where the objectives and goals of the software development project are determined. The stakeholders, including the developers, project managers, and customers, work together to define the scope of the project, its budget, timeline, and other critical aspects. This phase helps in identifying the project's feasibility and its alignment with the organization's goals.

Requirements Gathering

The requirements gathering phase involves gathering and documenting the functional and non-functional requirements of the software. These requirements are defined by the project stakeholders, including business analysts, customers, and end-users. The goal of this phase is to gather detailed requirements that provide a clear understanding of the software's purpose and functionality.


Once the requirements are gathered, the next phase is the design phase. In this phase, the software architecture is created, and the technical details are defined. The design phase also includes designing the user interface, database schema, and other system components. The output of this phase is a detailed design document that outlines the system's structure and functionality.


The development phase is where the actual coding of the software takes place. The developers use the design document to write the code and build the software. The development phase is typically the longest phase of the SDLC process, and it involves rigorous testing and debugging to ensure the software meets the requirements defined in the previous phases.


The testing phase involves testing the software for its functionality, performance, and usability. The testing phase is critical to the software development process because it ensures that the software meets the requirements and is free from defects. The testing phase can be divided into two types: manual testing and automated testing.


The deployment phase involves releasing the software into production. The deployment phase includes installation, configuration, and release of the software. The deployment phase is a critical phase of the SDLC process because it is where the software is released to the end-users.


The maintenance phase is the final phase of the SDLC process. In this phase, the software is continuously monitored, updated, and maintained to ensure that it continues to meet the user's needs. The maintenance phase includes fixing bugs, adding new features, and updating the software to meet the changing requirements of the users.

Why SDLC needed

SDLC, or Software Development Life Cycle, is a necessary process for developing high-quality software that meets the requirements of stakeholders and end-users. There are several reasons why SDLC is needed, including:

Structured Approach

The SDLC process provides a structured approach to software development, where the software is developed systematically in different phases. This approach ensures that the software is developed efficiently, with minimum errors and rework, and within the defined timeline and budget.

Risk Management

The SDLC process includes risk management techniques that help identify potential risks and plan for their mitigation. The risk management approach helps in managing risks associated with software development, such as security vulnerabilities, performance issues, or system failures.

Improved Quality

The SDLC process helps ensure that the software is of high quality and meets the requirements of the stakeholders and end-users. The process includes activities such as requirements gathering, design, development, and testing, which helps identify and fix defects early in the development process.


The SDLC process promotes transparency between the development team and stakeholders. The stakeholders are involved in the planning, design, and testing phases, ensuring that they are aware of the progress of the software development project.


The SDLC process helps in reducing the cost of software development by identifying and fixing defects early in the development process. This approach helps avoid costly rework and ensures that the software meets the requirements of the stakeholders and end-users.

Continuous Improvement

The SDLC process includes a maintenance phase that allows for continuous improvement of the software. The maintenance phase helps in fixing defects, adding new features, and updating the software to meet the changing requirements of the users.

The SDLC process is needed for developing high-quality software that meets the requirements of the stakeholders and end-users, while ensuring that the development process is efficient, cost-effective, and transparent. The SDLC process promotes risk management, quality improvement, and continuous improvement, making it a necessary process for software development.


In summary, the SDLC process provides a systematic and structured approach to software development. It ensures that the software is developed efficiently and effectively, meets the requirements of the stakeholders, and is delivered on time and within budget. The SDLC process also provides a framework for continuous improvement, ensuring that the software remains relevant and useful to the end-users.

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